COLLAB time with Make Do Studio

I found zen Thursday evening in Hazel Park, Michigan with Make Do Studio. I feel so lucky to have taken up a minor at CCS and been put in the path to meet some real gems. This one in particular I have admired for quite some time. She (Katie) was in my sculpture class which would prove to be my most challenging professor at CCS. I never told her this, but I always admired her spunk, intelligence and sheer willingness... bonus, she's incredibly talented. Fast forward 7 years (omg has it been that long?!) and an amazing social media connection (thanks Instagram) later, and I'm knocking on her door. I have always been shy (for those who like Myers-Briggs, I'm the INFP type). With attention issues hahah - anyways back to the point, I'm knocking & Earl (her dog) and she come greeting me at the door. 

I got the full tour of her awesome studio. It's amazing you guys! I wish I had taken more photos. Her first question on my way there was if I wanted to pick my own pieces or collaborate. Of course, easy choice! Collaboration time. She had some items selected. We talked about the old days, what we've been doing since and what we want to do. She showed me her in progress works (amazing stuff coming out of this studio!) and I got down to business. 

While I was working we couldn't help but discuss process. The idea of meditative play came to mind. Katie mentioned how cerebral the building process is for the talismans and I totally agree! It's also entirely intuitive. She mentioned something I adore, which is hidden meanings and showed me how to place some Morse code into my work (bonus points if you can find it).

I left feeling so inspired. I couldn't wait to hang my piece (and plan a ladies brunch n craft - coming soon!) but I also left wanting to explore new mediums. I enjoyed the single color we used and challenged myself (and after discussion with my brother, who is also a skilled illustrator - it was time for a single color weave to compliment my new talisman. See some lovely process images below of the talisman building, weaving construction and final pieces together. And special thanks again to Katie at Make Do Studio ( she offers private sessions and sells beautiful pieces!