Spirit; Mood Board - Concept & History

"When a warrior learns how to toss self-importance aside, his spirit unfolds, jubilant, like a wild animal liberated from its cage and set free."

- Carlos Castaneda

The concept behind the Spirit Mood Board: 

In 2016, I was fortunate to be introduced to the works of Carlos Castaneda by someone incredibly dear to me. Reconnecting with an interest in the spiritual and metaphysical world. These readings have continued to resonate with me in various platforms. I continue to read and find growth through the works of Castaneda and his students. 

The inspiration for this mood board was drawn from a single quote by Castaneda. Immediately envisioning rebirth. The mood board depicts a oneness with the universe, spirituality, rebirth through fire and the concept of the beginning of time. I admit the readings have easily influenced the selection. Often Castaneda references Desert chaparral which have drawn me to the selection of the landscape in the imagery.  The textural image evokes the strength of rebirth.  

I hope with each mood board to show a little history behind my selections, share some stories behind the scenes and perhaps even inspire other creatives! I utilize these mood boards in my creative process to inspire new projects, as simple self workshops and as a way to form conceptual ideas. 

For those unfamiliar with his work, I highly recommend reading his books. I have enjoyed many and am currently reading one by a student of his, Florinda Donner; "The Witch's Dream". Finding connections and self exploration is an incredibly powerful tool for an artist and can lead to wonderful break through's with the process, even with the challenge it presents. 



Sneak Peek

It's time! My first sneak peek for the Wearable fashion show piece I'm currently in the process of designing. Early stages, recently developed the zigzag neon green stitch detail on the origami folds. For the next stages in the process I'll be working out more details on the juxtaposing white draped fabric, the not shown here; bandeau and lower portions as well as the under body construction of these piece. So far feeling on track for the show in June!  

I've really been trying to explore with this piece. This is the first time I have jumped in to create a fashion piece from scratch. I was incredibly inspired by a show in Grand Rapids, Michigan by Iris Van Herpen sponsored by work. Another point of inspiration has been sourced by origami structures. Since elementary school I have envied those who could easily manipulate a single sheet of paper into a 3 dimensional object. Watching classmates easily fold swans and various objects on rainy indoor recess days.My paper lying flat on my desk I simply colored in the shapes I had dreams of building in 3 dimensions. This was a happy accident. I received a sewing machine this year for a birthday gift (thanks Mom!) and have for years wanted to master the machine. I had some leftover felt from who knows what, and decided to try and cut up some shapes and practice sewing. Happily discovering this lovely shape created from a simple triangle. I continued to explore and then was thrilled to find this happy zigzag neon stitch solution to bring some color play into the piece; something I was eager to do without having to hand embroider each square. 




Two posts in one day! I'm just so excited about the progress on the site. Hoping over the next couple weeks to get some images loaded and the real work lifted into the site. The layout is in place and I think general content direction. Satisfied with the About Me and the Goods section and linked all my social media! (Guess it's time to get active & start updating!) 

New goals! 

✓ Upload "Sneak Peek" Images of Wearable Art Show piece in progress

✓Load at least one Mood Board this week

✓ Load at least one either Goods or one other project on the site

So there it is! Minor goals that are easily to accomplish this week! 

I'd like to eventually load a "vision" board here or some how utilize the concept of one. It's something I practice IRL but would love to be able to share digitally.  

Construction Continues...

Slowly constructing still! Proudly got the DNS server aligned and now just working towards laying out the material properly and deciphering what is necessary to share! 

In the midst of this I am preparing for my first fashion show through the GM Design Center Galleries. Exploration of materials has begun with felt, various stitch and color juxtaposition. There will be some play on duality with this piece and I am looking forward to the reveal on the site as well as in the gallery. 



New Site transferred and Under Construction!!


I sincerely appreciate your patience as my personal collection of work is under construction. I am working on learning to navigate square space & add a few little coded beauties of my own to showcase my portfolio of creative work here!

To be showcased:

>Architectural Design


>Mood Boards

>Color & Materials

>Fine & Fiber Arts

>Culinary Art ?

>Literary Art ?